San Vito Lo Capo
San Vito Lo Capo
San Vito Lo Capo


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San Vito Lo Capo


Written by Luca Sciacchitano -



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San Vito Lo Capo (Santu Vitu in Sicilian) is an Italian town of 4,180 inhabitants in the province of Trapani in Sicily.

The country is one of the most famous summer resort in Sicily, the beauty of its beach.

He was born in the late eighteenth century in the territory of Erice, on the slopes of Mount Monaco, in the bright bay between Capo San Vito and Punta Solanto. Traces of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic are found in numerous natural caves, which are houses, which overlook the sea. Remains shrouded in mystery is the existence of an ancient village, Conturrana, a huge cliff 500 feet away from the shore detached from the mountain. Here, probably around the end of the fourth century BC, there was a little town.

Core generator of San Vito Lo Capo is the present sanctuary, an ancient fortress that over the centuries has suffered numerous construction projects. The first building, built around three hundred, was a small chapel dedicated to San Vito martyr, patron of a fishing village. According to a tradition accepted and reported by all the sacred writers and lovers of Sicilian history, the young Vito (presumably the origin of Lucania), to escape the rigors of the tenth persecution ordered by Emperor Diocletian (303-304), and the wrath of his father and Ila prefect of Valerian, with his master and his nurse Crescentia Modesto, escaped by sea from Mazara, with favorable winds landed on the coast of the fief of Punta, in the territory of Mount Erice, the ancients called Cape Egitarso. Here he began to preach the word of God among the locals in a village not far from the beach, called Conturrana.

In the name of God healed the sick, those who were suffering from rabies or bitten by animals, or compromised in health for a sudden fear, cast out unclean spirits. But, in spite of the many miracles, his work was crowned with little success, and ended with the punishment inflicted by God to Conturrana. The popular belief that the young man considers San Vito, a martyr at the time of Diocletian, was graciously received in this country, when there was a refugee, accompanied by tutors and Crescentia Modesto. The inexorable wrath had fallen on the town, burying it entirely under a landslide, not just the three refugees had left the village, heading towards the sea. Also according to tradition, St. Crescentia, turning to look at the city collapsed and became stone in the same spot where now stands the chapel, which the locals still a magic wand. For San Vito, however, followed a short stay nell'Egitarso and, after a trip through Sicily and Basilicata, martyrdom, on June 15, 299.

As time grew the fame of the church and the "miracles" attributed to the martyr and St. Vitus, and Crescentia so, to accommodate the many faithful who came on pilgrimage - and, above all, to protect them from thieves and bandits - in transforming the original construction went a fortress-like housing. This activity dates from the late fifteenth century. From the outset, the Shrine was made the center of a great devotion, and the fame of the miracles that the Holy operated here crossed the boundaries of Sicily and draws many pilgrims every season. Even the pirates themselves, declared enemies of the Catholic faith, had respect for the saint and for his temple.

Sunrise on the beach of San Vito Lo Capo. The charming beach Macari. The dock without boats. In the meantime faro.Nel the distance you can see the dangers of increased incursions of Barbary pirates, as well, along the island began to be built several towers. The main towers were three, two are still visible and are Scierie tower and tower Isolidda. The third however, Roccazzo tower, located on the floor above, which extends west of the village of San Vito (the site was specifically chosen because the only act to ensure consistency with the other two towers), was ruthlessly demolished to make way for the military traffic in 1935.

At the beginning of the eighteenth century the first houses began to appear all around the sanctuary. At the end of the century, around the church there was already a small group of houses. Thus was born San Vito Lo Capo. Over the centuries, the town has welcomed explorers, travelers and even government commissioners who, moved by curiosity, interests, cultural or military, had built meticulous and interesting descriptions of the geography of the places visited.

Since 1998, the town hosts the "Cous Cous Fest", international festival of culture and gastronomy of the Mediterranean. A race that involves international gourmet couscous chefs from eight countries: Côte d'Ivoire, France, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Palestine, Senegal and Tunisia, suggesting that face the couscous cooked in its own culinary traditions.

Of great importance is the cultural festival books, authors and bougainvillea [1] which takes place during the period from July to September each year. A series of meetings with the author via the Venza, the outdoor seating area of the country. The best Italian writers present their latest work by the presence of the public. In 2008 took part in The Duke (Strega Prize in 2008 with "The Solitude of Prime Numbers"), Piero Badaloni, Matthew Collura, Carmen Lasorella, Gaetano Savatteri and others.

Finally, to be reported, "re Tempu Capun" an autumn event to discover stories and legends connected with fishing and the sea exhibition dedicated to the culinary tradition of blue fish with meetings, scientific conferences and shows.

In the month of May along the beach you need to International Kite Festival, and in July we celebrate the Summer Music Festival.












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